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What Would a Perfect Day Look Like For You? (#36): Questions for Children & Adults Alike Series

Liz Buechele

A friend shared an article from the Huffington Post entitled “50 Eye-Opening Questions to Ask Your Grandchildren.” In reading the piece, I realized it could serve as inspiration for this childless 30-year-old. It would be a good exercise for me… for all of us. So here’s to a new series of questions. I’m going to pick my favorites and share over the coming months. May you also be inspired to reflect deeply on your own answers. 

Question: What would a perfect day look like for you?

I actually think about this a lot because I think I’m incredibly lucky to get to live a lot of perfect days. My perfect day has balance. It’s a combination of work and play and the opportunity to put my heart into something that matters.

On a perfect day, I’ve done all my favorite things—a little running and writing and reading. Maybe some baking. I’ve drank plenty of water and listened to music that made me feel something. I’ve eaten something delicious. On a perfect day, I’ve talked to all my favorite people. At the end of the day, I feel better than I did that morning. I feel like I’ve left my world a little better too. 

I think I get to live a lot of perfect days because I looked at what I had and called it perfect.

When I wake up early and go for a run while listening to music that motivates me, I feel strong. When I brew tea while showering and then change into an outfit that feels like a hug, I feel cozy. When I go to my job at a nonprofit whose work I believe in with kind coworkers who make me laugh, I feel so lucky to have the opportunity  to work hard at something that matters. 

Sometimes I sip a smoothie and read the New York Times. Sometimes I sit on the train and read a novel. Sometimes I go for long walks and catch up with my out-of-state loved ones.

Maybe that night I’ll bake cookies and watch an episode of Jeopardy! with the love of my life. Maybe we’ll do a crossword puzzle together. Maybe I’ll sit in my room in silence and write. 

But no matter what the combination or order of events is, my day will be perfect because I will wake up knowing I am loved. I will wake up with a pantry filled with all the ingredients needed to make a birthday cake in the middle of a month that isn’t mine. 

I’ve worked really hard to design my life in a way that is sustainable and healthy and makes me feel really, sincerely excited to be alive, not to just move through the motions. Because of this, I call it perfect. 

Because of this, I think my perfect day looks like how I spent today. Or yesterday. And if I had to guess, tomorrow will probably be pretty perfect too.

What a blessing it is to create the life of our dreams.


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