I hope you wake up to your favorite weather. I hope you pick the right combination of scarves or sweaters or sandals for the day. I hope whether the evening brings a rocky mountain hike or a fancy dinner date, you have the proper footwear.
I hope you drink a coffee or tea or smoothie or hot chocolate some morning and that is the best thing you’ve ever consumed. I hope you go back for seconds or write down the recipe or tell someone you love so they can experience it too. I hope it comes to you at the exact right moment—whether what you’re looking for is comfort, warmth, or even just a little caffeine.
I hope you read, watch, or listen to something that challenges the way you see the world. I hope it is something that makes you think about things differently. I hope it makes you call an old friend and tell them that you’re sorry. Tell them that you love them. Tell them that you are grateful for all the ways they have made your life better. I hope you can tell yourself those things too.
I hope you have intentional time to spend working on yourself. I hope you allow yourself days for rest and healing and peace. I hope you also allow yourself to grow and learn and adapt. I hope you step into your capabilities and that you fight through the uncertainties and doubts. I hope you come out stronger on the other side.
I hope you dance, at least once, with someone you love—whether it’s slow and sweet and cheek-to-cheek or more reminiscent of the chaotic energy of the Harlem Shake dance craze. I hope, whether it’s Baby Shark with your baby cousin or the most romantic song on your playlist with the love of your life, you appreciate the uninhibited joy of dance.
I hope you let go. I hope you hold on. I hope you go big. I hope you go home. I hope you explore. I hope you stay put. I hope you fully embrace this beautiful mess of contradictions we call life.
I hope you make an honest commitment to living out loud.
I hope you stay.
Love always,
