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Service Spotlight: The Positive Change Movement

Liz Buechele

Through the powers of the online kindness community, I was introduced to Elizabeth Denny, founder of The Positive Change Movement, based in Denver, Colorado. Even before we sat down on a Zoom call, I knew I had found someone that deeply understood the mission of The Smile Project and that deeply cared for the world around her in similar ways. I am thrilled to share a bit of her story here.

Liz: Let’s start in traditional Smile Project fashion. What is bringing you joy right now?

Elizabeth: Happiness is spreading kindness and positive change in the world.

Liz: Tell me about The Positive Change Movement.

Elizabeth: I started The Positive Change Movement in 2018 to connect people with volunteer opportunities, service projects, and ways to spread positive change in the world.

Liz: What is the driving force behind what you do?

Elizabeth: My daily mission is to help make the world a kinder place. I have been volunteering, coordinating donation drives, and spearheading community service projects since I was 13-years-old. It fills my soul to give back to the community and encourage others to make a difference.

Liz: What does service mean to you?

Elizabeth: Service means giving back to your community or anyone or anything in need… without expecting anything in return.

Liz: How can people follow along or support your work?

Elizabeth: You can follow us on social media (Facebook and Instagram) at The Positive Change Movement. Or, feel free to reach out via email at

Liz: Is there anything you’d like to leave us with? A final piece of advice?

Elizabeth: Spreading kindness doesn't have to cost anything. It can be as easy as smiling at someone in public, picking up trash in your community, or helping out an elderly neighbor.


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