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Movement from a Coffee Shop

Liz Buechele

A couple months ago I was working at a coffee shop. I intentionally chose the slightly less comfortable bar stools because I like looking out the window. A couple hours in, I could feel myself shifting in my seat, in need of a change in scenery or, at minimum, a piece of back support.

As my brain slipped out of concentration mode, the noise of the coffee shop came back to me. That’s when I noticed the assumed moms out for breakfast with a toddler, or younger, in a stroller facing away from me.

I glanced back at their empty coffee mugs as one of the women began to coo at the fussy baby. “Okay, okay,” she began. “We’re getting ready to go and once we start moving you’re going to feel great! You’re going to feel so good.”

I felt the tension in my shoulders release.

Oh how this coffee shop mom is mothering me. 

A few minutes later, I followed them out of the coffee shop and took the long way home, stretching my legs and confirming what I already knew.

Movement is good. 

And when I feel myself stuck in a way of thinking or being or doing, sometimes the best thing to do is take a walk around the block to reset. 


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