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Meet the Slippery Rock University SPARK Leadership Team 2022 – 2023

Liz Buechele

The Smile Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading Happiness through acts of kindness. Our flagship program finds its home in the SPARK Clubs. SPARK stands for “Strengthening Positivity and Reinforcing Kindness” and these groups are formed by inspiring young people who want to make their schools and communities kinder and friendlier places to be.

Today, I want to introduce the 2022 – 2023 school year leadership team of one of the oldest SPARK clubs, Slippery Rock University (SRU). This is the seventh year for SRU SPARK and I am so inspired by their kindness already! Be sure to follow them on Instagram at @sruspark_club

President: Hannah Trithart

Hannah is a senior, Early Childhood and Special Education major. For her, SPARK is a reminder to find moments of joy within each of her days. Whether it’s in a sunset, a book, her nephews' laughter, her friends, or a random adventure, SPARK club has inspired Hannah to cherish and share each of these moments of joy with those around her!

Vice President: Dana Bielobocky

Dana is a sophomore majoring in Exercise Science Pre-Physical Therapy. She is so excited that the campus seems to be coming to life again and cannot wait for the events that SPARK has planned for this semester. Dana is looking forward to seeing how much the club will grow this year! She believes that everyone should make time in their day for the things that make them happy. For her, that would include spending time with the people she loves, being outdoors, reading, and going to the gym. Being a part of SPARK has reminded her to slow down and appreciate the small “sparks” of joy in life!

Secretary: Karsyn Leach

Karsyn is a junior Exercise Science Pre-OT major. She says, “SPARK has given me the opportunity to make great connections with people in majors I normally wouldn’t cross paths with. Each and every person brings their own positive energy to the club, and that makes it such a fun environment! SPARK has allowed me to realize how many things there really are to cherish about each day!” Some things that bring Karsyn happiness are spending time with friends and family, wake surfing, going to the gym, and eating ice cream :)

Treasurer: Caitlyn Wensel

Caitlyn is a sophomore Health Care Administration and Management major. She says, “SPARK has been a great way for me to first get involved on campus! It has had such an impact on me to surround myself with people who want to spread positivity and bring joy to other peoples' lives. Some things that bring extra joy into my life and encourage me to always find the good in the world are my sister, sunsets, spending time in nature, walks with my dog, and being around my family and friends!”

Public Relations Chair: Calista Dosch

Calista is a senior Early Childhood and Special Education major. This year is so bittersweet, as she has been the PR chair for the last three years, which means this is her final year engaging with the one-of-a-kind community that has been created on Instagram and beyond. She loves all things outdoors, whether that be hiking, biking, kayaking, or just walking on her own two feet! SPARK has taught her to truly enjoy the sweetness of life and that kindness truly is a superpower. She hopes to take all that SPARK has taught her beyond Slippery Rock after graduation, and wishes the classes to come only the best!

Event Coordinator: Audrey Schultz

Audrey is a sophomore and currently majoring in Business with a minor in Gender Studies. She’s from Pittsburgh, PA and some things that SPARK joy in Audrey are taking pictures, being outside, poetry, sunsets, fashion, friends/family, and random adventures. SPARK has taught her to enjoy all the simple things in life. A motto Audrey likes to go by is, “If you can be anything, be kind.”

Top row, left to right: Calista Dosch, Karsyn Leach, Hannah Trithart

Bottom row, left to right: Caitlyn Wensel, Audrey Schultz, Dana Bielobocky


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