The Smile Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading Happiness through acts of kindness. Our flagship program finds its home in the SPARK Clubs. SPARK stands for “Strengthening Positivity and Reinforcing Kindness” and these groups are formed by inspiring young people who want to make their schools and communities kinder and friendlier places to be.
Today, I want to introduce the 2021 – 2022 school year leadership team of one of the oldest SPARK clubs, Slippery Rock University (SRU). This is the sixth year for SRU SPARK and I am so inspired by their kindness already!
President: Taylor Mazzaferro
Taylor Mazzaferro is a Senior Special Education Transition Programming major. She loves spending time with family and friends, being outside, coaching volleyball, playing with her dogs, and going on adventures.
Vice President & Treasurer: Alli Dingman
Alli Dingman is a senior early childhood education and special education major and art education minor. One of Alli’s favorite quotes is from Dolly Parton: “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” Alli knows that sharing smiles helps brighten the days and spreads happiness and kindness everywhere. She is excited to help radiate kindness on campus.
Secretary: Hannah Trithart
Hannah Trithart is a junior early childhood and special education major. She says, “Kindness is so important, especially with the past few years we have had! Campus is a different place since I left it freshman year to go into quarantine. We have all been through such a trying time and our lives have completely changed. It is so important that we SPARK some kindness on campus to help our community.” Some things that bring her happiness are being with her family/friends, going to bookstores, playing games, and singing songs in the car.
Public Relations Chair: Calista Dosch
Calista Dosch is a Junior at Slippery Rock University, and is majoring in Early Childhood/ Special Education. She is also in the Honors College, and is a Peer Leader on campus. Not only does Calista enjoy capturing moments for SPARK, but also for life. She is constantly taking pictures in order to remember sweet moments later. She enjoys being outside, which includes kayaking, biking, hiking, and more! She is big on family and friends, and is in love with all of those in her life right now -- they add such a sweetness to it! Appreciating life, that's what it's all about for Calista, and she loves that SPARK is a great place to do that. SPARK allows for Calista to love on as many people on campus as she can. It is a club that feels effortless to be a part of! She is looking forward to the future, not only in her academic career, but also for SPARK. Big things are happening. Here's to what's to come!