Happy Sunday everyone!
In case you missed it, I had an exciting announcement a few weeks ago. The Smile Project will be reinstating #ServiceSunday in a big way. Each week I am picking an organization or an individual who is making a difference in the world and telling you why you should care about them.
My first #ServiceSunday featured my dear friend Steve of Steve Barr Cartoons. If you didn’t read it then, read it now. He’s incredible. Next was an inspiration 20-year-old New Yorker named Nicole who runs a non-profit called Cubs for Coping. Read that post here.
This week, I’m going to switch gears a little bit and tell you to pick up your phone. No really. I know in the past I’ve talked a lot about the importance of looking up and experiencing the world around you, however if you’re going to spend your Subway ride scrolling through social media, I would prefer it be this next application I’m about to introduce to you.
Organization: Boomcast App
Meet Milly: the delightful and ambitious founder

The Interview:
Liz: Let’s start in traditional Smile Project fashion: give me a “Happiness is!”
Milly: You know that tingly feeling you get in your body when you know something good is about to happen? Do you get that too? Or is this just me?! I've got it right now actually! The sunshine is out, there's a great vibe in the air, and I can sense an amazing 2016! So just thinking that, "the tingly feeling" happens when I know that I am living my life with a purpose. It happens when I'm being mindful of all the small bitesize elements of happiness that surround me.
Happiness is receiving a smile from a stranger. Seeing your loved ones happy. Hugs. My dog greeting me. The sound of children playing in a school yard. Waking up to the sound of birdies tweeting. Good wine. Good food. A crackling fire. Dancing as if know one is watching. Cycling in The Netherlands. That feeling after exercise. Laughing so loud that people around you smile. Flowers. Fairy lights. Swimming in the sea (on a hot day). The sound and feel of rain. Doing a good deed. Music.

Liz: Tell me a little bit about your organization.
Milly: Boomcast is a new social network for people who want to see a positive change in this world. Our users broadcast stories with the core intention to inspire. You won't see too many selfies on Boomcast! Instead, you'll find motivating quotes, game changing videos, positive news and stories about modest people who are doing beautiful things in this world. We are a team of 8 passionate people who believe it's about time the world engages in a new social network that's focussed on inspiring one another.

Liz: What is the driving force behind what you do?
Milly: I feel that traditional social networks are closing people's minds rather than opening them. Instagram's numbers are growing dramatically yet the most popular profiles and photos are The Kardashians! What is the world going to come to if the majority of us are obsessed with superficial content that's not serving a real purpose?
Not too long ago, some people predicted that 2020 would be the year of change, the year where world peace would actually be a thing, and poverty became a thing of the past. We're in 2016 now, sorry, but as if that's ever going to happen. Now, there are high hopes for 2030. Can we work together to achieve our global goals? Well, we might just have a chance if we start changing our mindset and perspective on life. Let's start with social media.

Liz: What does “service” mean to you?
Milly: Service starts with help. The kind of help that is driven from love and passion. Then, this help naturally forms into a service that creates a better version of whatever you're helping. However, in order to put powerful service into action, first, you need to service yourself. Are you happy? Are you healthy? If the answer is no, you have to fix this, because you will need the energy and strong mindset in order to offer your best service.

Liz: Do you have a favorite quote?
Milly: "Don't hate. Create." I'm not a hateful person, however I found myself incredibly frustrated with social media and it was this quote, that made me want to do something about it and thus, it led me to Boomcast.

My personal quote? YOLO. (laughs) I know that's lame, but seriously, "You Only Live Once" - you have to make the most of it, push yourself and see how great you can become. Oh, and "work hard, play harder!"
Liz: How can people get involved?

Milly: You can start by downloading the iOS app here. Do you have an inspiring story to share? If so, we'd love to hear from you and feature you in our community. See more of our stories here. Or perhaps you're a foundation, small business or organization that's also contributing towards a better 2030? I'd love to chat to see how we can work together. Feel free to email me: milly@boomcastapp.com
And of course, don’t forget to check out the traditional social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
This concludes my third #ServiceSunday. Thanks for allowing me to share another cool organization with you. If you have an iPhone make sure to download Boomcast and if you don’t, at least take some time exploring their very well designed website.
As for me, I’ll see you next Sunday as I highlight another phenomenal example of humankind.
Love always,
Looking to nominate an individual or organization that you know? Reach out to The Smile Project on social media or by filling out the contact form here.